Hr Trends With Game Changers, Presented By Sap

HR Trends: Leading The Millennials: Myth vs Fact



Today’s buzz: Millennials. Millennials, aka Gen Y, are the post-Gen X demographic born between the early 1980s–early 2000s. A diverse, well-educated, expressive cohort, they’ve already made a unique mark on commerce, work, social media. How do you lead these newcomers in the workplace? The experts speak. Rick Thompson, Rising Medical: “’They’re immature, lazy, entitled, self-centered, and shallow’ – descriptions of my generation, the Baby Boomers, when we were entering the workforce in large numbers during the 1970s.” Shawn Price, SuccessFactors: “Don’t underestimate your impact, don’t overestimate your self-importance.” Al Gini, professor and author: “We do not learn ethics from reading a treatise on virtue. We learn ethics through the witness of others.” (Aristotle) Tracey Arnish, SAP: “People want you to believe you are sincerely interested in them as persons, not just for what they can do for you…” (UCLA coach John Wooden) Join us for Leading The Millennials: Myth vs Fact.