Authentic Living

Creativity and Authenticity



Julia Cameron, our guest today, is the author of the seminal book on creativity, The Artist’s Way. This one book along with its offspring, The Artist’s Way at Work, The Artist’s Date Book, Inspirations: Meditations on the Artist’s Way, The Artist’s Way Workbook, The Artist’s Way Morning Pages Journal and The Complete Artist’s Way have helped so many to get in touch with the creativity that springs from the Authentic Self. Still as vital today as it was 10 years ago when it was published, The Artist’s Way, is an international best seller. Vein of Gold, another best-seller offers a profound journey through the vision and creativity of the artist-mind to the Authentic Self. Julia has also published three books of fiction and several books on the creativity of writing. This show will help the listener to access the creative, through the Authentic Self, and to utilize the Authentic Self to be more creative. Don’t miss it!