

What are your goals for your school year? What new things are you implementing / adding to your curriculum or program? How do you reflect as an educator? What's in your Action Pack? An Action Pack includes, goals for your school year, new things that you are adding to your curriculum or program, self-care, and how you reflect as an educator. Join SHAPE America Podcast Host, Stephanie Sandino, as she interviews Physical Educator, Ben Landers, and finds out what's in Ben's Action Plan. Guest: Ben Landers is a husband, dad, creative adventurer and passionate physical education teacher. He's in his 11th year of teaching K-5th Elementary PE and resides in sunny SC. He's got a few degrees and certifications, but his proudest professional accomplishment is the creation of his PE teacher resource site ThePEspecialist.comHe's super blessed and grateful to be a part of the incredible Physed community and work a job that is such a blast. He loves getting a little bit better each day at the art of teaching and sees havin