Whispering Pines Church

Advent: Through the Eyes of the Prophets Jeremiah 23



William Stafford was once asked in an interview, “When did you decide to be a poet?” He responded that the question was put wrongly: everyone is born a poet. I just kept on doing, he said, what everyone starts out doing. “The real question is why did all the other people stop?” Jeremiah kept on doing what he was created for, over the course of his life he continued to live out the meaning of his name. The exact meaning of Jeremiah is not certain: it may mean “the Lord exalts”; it may mean “the Lord hurls.” Both are true of Jeremiah, and what is most certain is that his life was spent as a messenger, and as the message, of the God after whom he was named. Join us this Sunday as we explore Jeremiah 23, but also the larger story of this man who foretold the coming of Christ.