Whispering Pines Church

Advent: Through the Eyes of the Prophets Zechariah



Join us this Sunday morning for the final sermon on our advent series – looking at the birth of Christ through the eyes of the prophets. This week we’ll look at the prophet Zechariah and what God communicated through him about the coming of a Savior. The book of Zechariah is filled with visions and wonderful metaphors that explained the world from God’s perspective, and looked to the future and how God would make right what had been broken. Then, on Christmas Eve at 6 p.m., please join us for our Christmas Eve Candlelight service. In this intimate service, we will reflect on the coming of Emmanuel – God with us. His coming was good news. Not just for the powerful, but, we’re told, “for all people.” Join us as we celebrate this great and glorious gift of God.