Whispering Pines Church

Romans: In View of God’s Mercy Romans 8:26-39



Romans chapter 8 begins with hopeful encouragement, and concludes with what may be one of the most compelling sections on the assurance of Christ’s love that is found in the book of Romans. It is here that we’re comforted with the truth that the Spirit of God intercedes for us, helping us in our weakness. When we don’t know what or how to pray, the Spirit of God intercedes for us. Beyond this, Paul shares his ordo salutis, his order of salvation, in verses 28-30. These verses require some unpacking to discover their worth. Finally, Paul declares that there is nothing that can separate a follower of Christ from the love of God – proven in the person of Jesus Christ. All of this Paul shares because unity in Christ is so critical for us to embrace and understand as we head into the rest of Paul’s instruction and correction that will make up the rest of the book of Romans. We start here, with a fresh reminder that God is enough for us. Join us this Sunday as we continue our study of Romans!