Doug Bost And Adam Bernstein Are Grown Ass Men

Ep. 68: Adstravaganza Part I (with special guest Kirk Demarais)



Any comic book fan, especially those who read comics in the 60's and 70's, will remember all the crazy ads that ran monthly across the pages. Perhaps you remember, Sea Monkeys, Count Dante, Raquel Welch pillows and other amazing items that you just had to have. Well, Grown Ass Men have always been super interested in these so we contacted an expert on the subject, Kirk Demarais. His book "Mail Order Mysteries" is a definitive look at the ads and what was going on behind the scenes. Also in this episode - a brand new cover of the Traits classic "Nobody Loves the Hulk" by Sam Mastandrea and Adam Bernstein. Give a listen folks! Original music by Adam Bernstein