Hyde Park United Methodist

In the Shadow of the Cross, Part 3 // The Rev. Magrey deVega // March 3, 2024



The synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) all place the turning of the tables in the Temple in the middle of Holy Week, after the triumphal entry in Jerusalem. John places the story much, much earlier, right at the outset of the ministry of Jesus. By doing this, John makes the overturning of the tables a preamble to all of Jesus’ miracles and teachings, as if to suggest that overturning our lives is an initial step toward discipleship.HydeParkUMC.org/NextStepsReflection Questions:1. For what reasons do you think Jesus would overturn tables today? 2. How do you think the vendors responded? The religious leaders? The disciples? 3. In what ways can you be a part of a faith community at its healthiest and best?