Those Weekend Golf Guys

Unleashing Golfing Greatness: Insights from a Baseball Legend



Imagine stepping up to the plate in a baseball game. Now, imagine teeing off on a golf course. Two different contexts, two different sports, but surprisingly similar strategies. That's what we're unpacking today - the fascinating comparison between baseball and golf, revealing how the anticipation in baseball closely mirrors the precision required in golf. And who better to shed light on this than our upcoming guest, baseball legend Howard Johnson, who'll share his transition from baseball's 90-degree playing field to golf's demanding fairways.We're flipping the switch from bustling baseball stadiums to the sunny golf courses of Florida. Harnessing the subtleties that set golf apart from other sports, we offer game-changing advice that'll help you triumph on the course. From mastering the art of club selection to delivering a smooth swing, we're serving up tips that'll keep you out of the bunker and on the green. No more making excuses for a bad shot; instead, we'll show you how to surprise your opponents and