Mom Struggling Well

#297: Cyclical Parenting with Mary Van Geffen



Parenting is difficult and hormones can make it feel dang near impossible. But today we are offering this perspective shift: What would it look like if you got SO in tune with your cycle that you gained knowledge to help inform your parenting decisions?  Meet Mary! She’s the international parenting coach for moms of Spicy Children™️.  Since 2011, Mary has worked with over one thousand parents to help transform how they show up for their kids, and for themselves. She’s all about helping you practice the spiritual discipline of staying calm, kind, and firm with your spirited powerhouse of a kid, even when they don’t deserve it and she’s a firm believer that you don’t have to parent without a map. WHAT WE CHAT ABOUT: Parenting while keeping the season of your cycle in mind Setting reasonable expectations for yourself  Journaling printable for MSW listeners In the Flo  by Alisa Vitti Don’t miss the live event this weekend for Mothership Patrons. Become a Patron here! CONNECT WITH MARY: website | instag