Helicopter Online Ground School Podcast

Episode 320: Kneeboard Causes Fatal Helicopter Crash



In this podcast episode, Kenny Keller recounts a fatal helicopter crash caused by a kneeboard flying out of the helicopter and damaging the tail rotor, resulting in the deaths of the occupants. Kenny emphasizes the importance of securing all items in the helicopter, detailing instances of seat cushions and pieces of paper flying out and causing distractions during flight. The key topics of the episode are the significance of securing items inside the helicopter during doors-off flying, and the potential dangers posed by seemingly insignificant objects becoming distractions or hazards during flight. Kenny also briefly mentions knee boards and checklists, along with offering resources for helicopter pilots, such as a package of books and a free PDF on top ten check ride tips.Hey ask your helicopter training questions to Kenny's Clone! Available 24/7, this virtual assistant will help answer all your relatable questions, check it out at ask.hogs.com today! Don't forget to check out Helicopter Online Ground School