
Episode 72: Play as a Lightsaber



Jeff and Christian welcome Xav De Matos back to the show to start up that E3 hype train with news of a PC centric press conference, a new game announcement from Rare, teases of Mass Effect 4, and more. Plus, current news of Arkham Knight's $40 DLC season pass, Yooka-Laylee tearing up Kickstarter, and MS-DOS games formerly playable inside tweets. In the Playlist, Christian finishs Arkham Origins and starts up Marvel Heroes 2015, Jeff deals with broken hard drives, and Xav gets first-hand looks at Star Wars Battlefront, Call of Duty Black Ops 3, and the broken state of WE 2k15. For Tabletop Time, Xav is playing Letters From Whitechapel and Pandemic: The Cure, and Jeff recounts his latest DMing adventures in D&D 5th edition. Sponsored by lynda (Visit the link and get 10 day free trial access to their 3,000+ courses).