Cthulhu & Friends

S3 E2 – Resurfacing Memories



Ever had a memory go up in smoke? Well, rekindle those thoughts and come listen in for the next exciting episode. You might not remember how you got here, but Welcome to St. Paxton.Want to peek behind the curtain? Check us out on Twitch where we record every Sunday. Click here to jump to our Twitch channel.Episodes star Ben, Fred, Mike, Steph, and Veronica. It was edited by Steph Kingston and produced by Hiroshi. The opening and closing theme, and many of the other wonderous musical arrangements found within, were created by Rob Anderson.You can now follow the show's Twitter @CAFPodcast.Be sure to check out some of the other GeeklyInc podcasts, such as Greeting Adventurers, Transformation Sequence, and Dear Internet!Welcome to St. Paxton is an actual play of the Pulp Cthulhu tabletop roleplaying game, but we still homebrewed some rules. Tell your friends!Direct Download LinkSubscribe via RSS (feedburner)Subscribe via iTunes