Coffeehouse Questions With Ryan Pauly

Faith and Culture with A Deconstructed Christian (Tim Whitaker of the New Evangelicals)



How should Christians think about cultural issues, and how can we have better conversations with those who think differently? The goal of today's show is to give you different perspectives on cultural issues while modeling a healthy disagreement. Come join the conversation and bring your questions! Tim Whitaker is the creator and facilitator at The New Evangelicals. Growing up, Tim always felt at home in evangelical spaces – until years later, when his studying and questions caused him to no longer be welcomed at in his church community. Brokenhearted, but undeterred, Tim continued to pursue a deeper understanding of faith, history, theology and the evangelical church. The more he uncovers, the more he realizes the importance of advocating for the marginalized in the church, exploring the full depth and breadth of Christian faith traditions, and holding toxic churches and leaders accountable.