Polite Conversations

SAMPLE: Aftershow 7: Germany, Identity & Palestine (pt 1)



This is part 1 of a 2-part conversation. Join myself and my panel of German/Germany related guests for a fascinating discussion about Wtaf is going on in Germany these days. My German guests include Ilyas who is a German Muslim, Claus who is a German that was raised with very right-wing views but has since shed them, and we also have John who has a Master’s degree in German Studies and lived there as an exchange student. We discuss aspects of German identity, history, nationalism and the thinking behind some of the blind and bizarre support we see for Israel, the stifling of pro-Palestinian views, the perception of Arabs and foreigners in general, the treatment of left leaning Jewish people who are critical of Israel & more. —— All guests on the Aftershow are Patrons of the Polite Conversations. Truly amazing to get to chat with fascinating patrons of the show from all around the world. —— If you enjoy the show and would like to access the full episode, pls subscribe via patreon.com/nicemangos Links: