Personal Branding Podcast

Encounter with a Vulcanizer: Branding Lessons for MSMEs



Encounter with a Vulcanizer: Branding Lessons for MSMEs Every business has its ups and downs, but learning how to maximize each moment can help the business thrive and grow. You see, the ability to adapt and embrace new technologies is not just an advantage—it’s essential for survival and growth. This realization came to me vividly during a seemingly mundane visit to a local vulcanizer because of a car tire issue. The vulcanizer, an expert in his field, impressed me with his knowledge and skill. I had learned that he has been doing this for the past decade and he is the go-to guy in the hood. However, despite his expertise, I noticed his reliance on outdated technology and traditional methods in his operations.  A critical lesson for small business owners can be learned from this experience: investing in modern tools and technology will enhance efficiency, effectiveness, and ultimately, business success. The vulcanizer, with nearly a decade of experience, was proficient in his work. His business wa