The Mindvalley Podcast With Vishen Lakhiani

Master Branding With Jeffrey Perlman - The Brand Architect Of Zumba and @Mindvalley



Today on The Mindvalley Show, Unleash the power of branding with Jeffrey Perlman, the former Chief Marketing Officer of Zumba and a strategic advisor to Mindvalley. In this episode, Jeffrey explains the concept of deep branding and going beyond the superficial aspects of logos and graphics. He reveals how great brands shape a company's visual identity and influence its culture and product design. Jeffrey highlights the significance of creating iconic personas in popular culture, explaining how they grant permission for a new type of human to emerge. He explores the intricate neurological connection between emotions and brand identity. This episode offers valuable insights into discovering the brand filter, understanding the contrarian worldview, and uncovering the elusive trigger crystal. Jeffrey's expertise emphasizes the importance of listening to your brand and following your intuition to build a successful brand. Join us in this episode to explore how deep branding can transform your business, creating a