The Mindvalley Podcast With Vishen Lakhiani

How to Summon Your Soulmate (Attract and Keep the Love You Deserve)



Today on The Mindvalley Show we introduce you to Katherine Woodward Thomas, a renowned relationship expert and the brilliant mind behind the life-changing "Calling in the One" and "Conscious Uncoupling" programs. Katherine takes us on her journey of love, revealing her transformative approach to manifesting your soulmate. Her mission is clear: empowering individuals to create lasting, healthy, and fulfilling partnerships by unraveling the secrets of love's profound magic. Katherine underlines the importance of setting a bold intention for the future, igniting a powerful force that can reshape the course of your love life. Katherine encourages you to take responsibility for your relationship patterns and beliefs, shedding light on the pivotal role they play in your quest for love. Through this, you'll realize that love is not just something that happens to you; it's something you can actively shape and invite into your life. Liberate yourself from the shackles of the past. Katherine provides a roadmap to relea