The Mindvalley Podcast With Vishen Lakhiani

Hydration Revolution: How Water Can Transform Your Health and Metabolism with Shawn Stevenson



Water is a vital substance for our bodies, and its importance cannot be overstated. In our recent conversation with Shawn Stevenson, a renowned Health Expert, bestselling Author, and Creator of the #1 health podcast in the U.S., The Model Health Show, we uncovered the profound impact of water on our well-being. Ever thought a simple 17 ounces of water could spike your metabolism by 30% for the next 40 minutes? That's just the tip of the iceberg in this eye-opening discussion. Discover the secrets of optimal hydration and its direct link to improved health. Shawn breaks down the science behind water-induced thermogenesis, shedding light on how it aids in burning extra calories. Surprisingly, dehydration doesn't just leave you parched – it affects your mood, cognitive function, and yes, even your height! But it's not merely about quantity; we also explored the quality of water. Learn about the pitfalls of plastic-bottled water and how filtering with reverse osmosis and enriching with minerals can elevate your