The Mana Pool

Episode 697 - No, Not Fallout Boy!



Remember Fallout? You know, the video game series with radiation and Nuka-Cola and Ron Perlman's voice and power armor and Vault Boy? That game series that hasn't had a good game release in almost a decade? Sure you do! And of course, Magic is releasing some Commander Decks for it under the Universes Beyond label! The dorks are diving into the first batch of reveals from the Fallout decks and focusing, as we do with these UB sets, on how the cards relate back to the source material. Since two of us have lots of experience with the IP, we're gonna be explaining things to the other two. This was a fun one! Be sure to let us know what you think, and how much Fallout you've played! Mechanics - Card Image Gallery - Come join us in the future! The show is live on Thursdays around 8pm(ish) Eastern time on Twitch Become a Lifeguard on Patreon! –