Papa's Basement

Arf Low, Sweet Chariot: DMX Has Died — Episode 682



DMX's untimely death leaves Eva, a drug treatment counselor, thinking she could have saved him had she just been there for him these last few years. Prince Philip also died, and he cheated a lot but it's okay because he was really tall. A reminder that you can't just snap a person's neck like they show in the movies (with that satisfying "crack" sound to accompany it). And a discussion of scenes cut from Forrest Gump, including how Jenny got AIDS, who really killed Bubba, and the many murders committed by Forrest in the name of his racist beliefs. Give us your money via Patreon! Click here to listen to the latest episode of Papa's Basement in your browser. Apple Podcasts Google Podcasts Spotify Stitcher YouTube Follow this episode's cast on Twitter and Instagram: Eva Kriksciun - Twitter - @OrchardEva, Instagram - @OrchardEva John Papageorgiou - Twitter - @PapasBasement, Instagram - @PapasBasement