Ask Noah Show

Episode 377: Ask Noah Show 377



This week Simon Quigley, and Rick Timmis from Kubuntu join the Ask Noah Show to talk about the issues surrounding Kubuntu and what the path looks like going forward. -- During The Show -- 01:18 Ajit Pai Feedback - Chris The question is "when to regulate" Purpose of govt is to protect people Bad situations exist Internet is becoming essential 05:58 Self Hosting Email - Jon Dealing with black lists stinks Security is a moving target Project like Nextcloud incorporates email Down time responsibility Noah is NOT in the "go host your own email boat" Simon's Cisco link ( Email security requirements 13:34 FrePBX and Firewalls - Austin Sangomakb Knowledge Base ( FreePBX has evolved Don't expose anything you don't have to Noah's home setup Voxtelesys & 3CX 17:15 Long Term Backups? - Charlie Don't store long term data on