Consciousshift With Julie Ann Turner

HOWDY HOMEMADE: Ice Cream for Dreamers * with Tom Landis



A growing business (stores in 7 states & soon to be more than 1200 grocery stores) run almost entirely by Special Needs Heroes (Autism, Down's Syndrome, etc.)* TOMORROW/WED., 2/21! 2pm Pacific! > Join LIVE @ www.ConsciousSHIFTRadio.comREGISTER at'S FREE)[Receive Show Details + Access to GIFT > Genius Guide + Audio]Catch the Global #ConsciousSHIFT Show as Tom Landisjoins Host Julie Ann Turner for a thought-provoking dialogue(just crossed 980K+ global subscribers - celebratingwith all fellow ConsciousSHIFT-ers! Thanks!)REGISTER at'S FREE)* HOWDY HOMEMADE: Ice Cream for Dreamerswith Founder Tom Landis Howdy Homemade Ice CreamJulie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guest Tom Landis is CEO & Founder of Howdy Homemade Ice Cream (stores in 7 states & soon to be more than 1200 grocery stores), staffed almost entirely by employees with special needs (Autism, Downs Syndrome, etc).Today in the US, only 20% of those with disabilities, including autism, are