Naturally Savvy

EP #1302: Clearing Emotional Clutter with Donald Altman



Lisa is joined by Donald Altman, a psychotherapist, international mindfulness trainer, former Buddhist monk and award-winning author of over 20 books to talk about his book, Clearing Emotional Clutter: Mindfulness Practices for Letting Go of What's Blocking Your Fulfillment and Transformation.He is profiled in "The Living Spiritual Teachers Project" and featured in "The Mindfulness Movie." He also writes the Psychology Today Mindful Practices blog, which has been read by over 1 millions viewers. in 2023, Donald's spiritual suspense novel Travelers was named a Finalist in the Next Generation Indie Book Awards. Out of thousands of submissions worldwide, Travelers was chosen as a Finalist in two categories--"First Novel" and "General Fiction." In addition, Donald's Award-winning non-fiction spirituality and mindfulness books include "The Mindfulness Toolbox"--winner of two Gold IBPA Benjamin Franklin Awards as best book in the "Psychology" and "Body-Mind-Spirit" categories, "Clearing Emotional Clutter"--selected