Langdon Palmer

Narnia - The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe 1 - What if it was always winter but never Christmas ? - Finding hope in a world that's cold



This first podcast on the Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe gives an introduction to C.S. Lewis and the book. Then it turns to two deep truths found in this supposed child's book. First, what it is like to deal with hopelessness and depression - what it is like to live in a world of grey where it is always winter but never Christmas. But next it takes us to a deeper truth - the fact that the redemption of God cannot be stopped, that Aslan is on the move, that right at the coldest day of winter is when the spring begins. We look at Isaiah 9:2-7, 1 Peter 3, Romans 15:4, 1 Peter 1:13, and discover that the Chronicles of Narnia actually point us to the biblical reality of being a people who walked in darkness but have seen a great light.