

Do you resolve in following Jesus? Many a times, we have not seriously considered why we follow Jesus, or are we following Jesus wholeheartedly as we claim ourselves to be? A person who wants to follow Jesus is one who comes to realize that there's no other way - salvation comes through Jesus Christ. Are we often hinging on the many things we can see such as financial security, people's love, recognition, subconsciously putting our hope in them, only to find ourselves entering more desperation and woes? Through this message, may we once again confirm the reason of our faith in Jesus Christ, pin down the distractions that dilute away our focus on following Him, so that we can follow Christ resolutely and not look back. Following Jesus is not an one off declaration but a daily confession and resolution, for we see that indeed we intensely need to rely on His grace and the renewal through the Holy Spirit to finish our heavenly face.