We Hate Movies

S12 Ep615: City Slickers



On this week's episode, the 2022 Summer Blockbuster Extravaganza—a period of time in the WHM schedule where they drop episodes exclusively on bigger, more well-known titles that may or may not have been released in the summer because the release date is actually irrelevant to the title of the series—kicks off with an episode on America's favorite midlife crisis drama/family western comedy, City Slickers! In a sea of good performances, how fantastic is Daniel Stern in this movie? Was Palance's Oscar win for his portrayal of Curly actually a make-good for a role earlier in his career? And what is with these boomers complaining about being able to take luxurious, high-priced vacations each and every year? PLUS: What’s the fantasy order of your human centipede made out of Comic Relief hosts? City Slickers stars Billy Crystal, Daniel Stern, Bruno Kirby, Jack Palance, Helen Slater, Patricia Wettig, Noble Willingham, Tracey Walter, Josh Mostel, David Paymer, Bill Henderson, Jeffrey Tambor, Phill Lewis, and Yeardley