Hyde Park United Methodist

Transfiguration Sunday // The Rev. Sally Campbell Evans // February 11, 2024



In Mark’s gospel, the Transfiguration serves as the halfway point in the story of Jesus. It is a marked shift away from the miracles and teachings of Jesus to the journey of Jesus to the cross. Likewise, we need to make a similar shift in our discipleship, away from merely benefiting from Jesus and toward surrender to Jesus and the cross.HydeParkUMC.org/NextStepsReflection Questions:1. Can you remember a time when you were so overcome with beauty or joy that you were rendered speechless? What was that like?2. When was the last time you were “lost in wonder, love, and praise” of God because you felt the Lord's present so closely?3. What is pulling on your heart (or calling to you), as we begin this season of Lent?