Quantum - The Wee Flea Podcast

Quantum 290 - Ecocide, Genocide, Transocide, Geordicide



This week we look at the positives about Scotland, King Charles's Cancer; EU caves into farmers; Biden and 'Mitterand'; Nicky Haley in Nevada; Michelle O'Neill; Corruption in the EU parliament; Ecocide;  the growth of BRICS; El Salvador's NAyib Bukele; James Marriot on egalitarian, elitist, education; Woke Comedy; 'Gas the Jews', BBC 'Holohoax' employee fired; Police ban singing Christian songs outside church; Newcastle ban lesbian Terf;  'Don't tell them Pike'; The misinformation of Prof Dame Juliet Gerrard; Environment Agency bans 'mother and father';  Electricity; The Church and fake asylum seekers; SEEK 22; with music from Big Country, the Wurzels, Led Zeppelin; Simon and Garfunkel; the Magpie Geordie; Lindisfarne;  OMD; and the Spooky Mens' Chorale.