Feast Yr Ears

Episode 4: Puma Ghostwalker



Forager. Wild Child. Survival Expert. Meet today’s guest Puma Ghostwalker, who joins Harry Rosenblum in the studio for this week’s episode of Feast Yr Ears.  Talking a plethora of topics from living off the grid in New York City to evolving from naturalist to educator, Puma and Harry chat about their fondness for wild mushrooms as well as the edible weeds lurking in your backyard. Puma also shares ways he is striving to make a difference in the world of conservation. “There are so many weeds in your backyard that are edible… ‘weed’ is a made up word, there are no weeds.” [9:00] “I love living in New York City. I love the museums, I love the MET, Lincoln Center… I really have the best of both worlds.” [32:00] –Puma Ghostwalker on Feast Yr Ears