Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

The Marriage & Money Method



Did you know that one of the hardest things for people to speak about is MONEY! It is one of those taboo subjects and can often create a rift in a happy marriage. We know that a key to healthy relationships lies in communication, so how do we communicate about money and honor each of us? Here’s the truth: money is the #1 reason marriages fail. And it’s such a sad fact… because it’s totally avoidable. I had these issues in my marriage too so I wanted to get money expert Krisstina Wise’s help so I don’t repeat mistakes I made! I am inviting you to join our intimate conversation on CouchTalk Listen in here! Marriage and Money – The Wise Way Sometimes felt as Taboo, money can separate a couple, but it doesn’t have to be this way. We have to be open about our beliefs about money and discern, are these beliefs healthy or unhealthy. We discuss how to become a WELLTHY WEALTHY COUPLE Key points: Money conversation- critical to have Money can bind us versus separate us and fuel the marriage Go from power struggle to p