Love Bites

Episode 33: Traveling Solo and Pushing Personal Limits with Kristin Newman!



There's something to be said about being single in your thirties. There's the rush of not knowing who you're gonna kiss next, and the freedom to do whatever the hell you want whenever the hell you want. But looking for your counterpoint on the Earth can be exhausting and annoying, too. On today's show, we explore this dichotomy. What romantic wins from the last six weeks – the last time the two of us were together live in the studio before Ben took off to perform in Maine – can we celebrate? What challenges have arisen from breaking out of the patterns we usually function within? Then we're joined by Kristin Newman, the author of the memoir What I Was Doing While You Were Breeding. While many of her friends got hitched and started popping out babies, Kristin traveled the world, pushing herself into experiences that she would never dare embrace at home. What did overcoming fears, meeting people from around the world, and "doing the thing you're supposed to do in the place you're supposed to do it" te