Love Bites

Episode 46: Paging Dr. Love! With Tribeca Therapy Founder Matt Lundquist



Technology really burns our bacon sometimes... Ben: "I hate how technology dehumanizes people. Whether it be by swiping, taking a long time to respond to a text, ghosting, or saying brash things we wouldn’t ordinarily say, we don’t treat people with the same courtesy through technology as we would in person. We also don't present our full human selves through technology, but rather a crafted version of our image that is not entirely authentic." Jacqueline: "I feel like technology has shortened our attention spans. We read things--books, articles, messages--on tiny screens while multitasking, and so everything has gotten shorter. We fast forward through commercials. So there's less feeling comfortable in the "space between things," or knowing how to just sit in awkward silence, or enjoying slowing down, or luxuriating in just being. I both like those things, and physically need them. And I find it hard to find that in romantic partner, especially in New York. It makes me feel like the