The Essential Oil Revolution | Essential Oils, Aromatherapy, And Healthy Living By Samantha Lee Wright |powered By Revolution

398: Using Herbs and Aromatics Safely During Critical Times in the Lifespan: Through the Stages of Motherhood of Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, Postnatally and with Children With Dr. Mary Louise Bove, ND



What You Will Learn: Dr. Bove’s journey that led her to become an esteemed herbalist and a leader in natural health. The waning and comeback of plants as stewards to our health vs. just a commodity.  The importance of proper dosage and preparation of herbs and essential oils for individual conditions and especially at certain times during the lifespan. How essential oils offer powerful medicinal properties through their aroma. Why we need to be more cautious with herbs and essential oils during the critical time periods of pregnancy, lactation, and childhood. Why herbs and essential oils from the same plant may not share contraindications based on their differing constituent profile and potency. How to start safely using essential oils and herbs during pregnancy and with children and when to seek a professional. Considerations to keep in mind with herbs and essential oils that are listed as contraindicated in pregnancy, lactation, and with children. Several herbs and essential oils that have been pro