Beer Sessions Radio (tm)

Episode 128: Belgium Comes to Cooperstown, Part 2



Welcome to the second installment of Beer Sessions Radio at Brewery Ommegang’s Belgium Comes to Cooperstown beer festival! Jimmy Carbone kicks off the episode with some of the folks behind Brewery Ommegang, President Simon Thorpe and Brewmaster Phil Leinhart. Tune in to hear discussions about the anti-fracking movement in Upstate New York, why New York state water is perfect for making beer, and the rapid expansion of Brewery Ommegang. Jimmy checks in with Bill Herlicka of White Birch Brewing to talk about some of White Birch’s new beers, consistent brewing, and how a deal large retailer can completely change a company’s brewing process. Later, Jimmy’s talking with Sean Lawson of Lawson’s Finest Liquids about meeting demand, and collaborating on beers with brewpubs across the country. Jimmy chows down on some of Scott Vaccaro’s roasted pig, and talks about Captain Lawrence Brewing’s new brewery expansion. Finally, Jimmy chats with Tommy Harder of the Blind Tiger Alehouse. Tommy entered the Hop Chef competitio