Good News For Everyone: Tom Shanklin Ministries Podcast

How God Got Me Out of Debt [Audio & Video]



  I was a born again, Spirit filled, faith-believing, on-fire Christian. I tithed and gave offerings. I had been pastor of two churches, traveled on the missions field, and I had a genuine experience with God. Yet at the same time, I was in debt up above my eyebrows. All because of lack of wisdom. On this video, I share how God got me out of debt over a period of years. There were many blessings and miracles along the way that helped to bring me out of debt, but godly wisdom was the key to making those blessings count towards the goal of becoming financially free. So often we think that we need a miracle from God to get us out of our mess. God does do miracles! But sometimes what we need most is wisdom from the Lord. This applies to financial difficulties or any other problem in life. Enjoy this video! Don't be condemned! Just realize that the Lord loves you and has a good plan for your life. Follow that plan and you'll be blessed! Audio: How God Got Me Out of Debt Notes: HOW GOD GOT ME OUT OF DEBT Readi