Ignite Rogers

Kingdom 101 Pt.1: The Priority of God



“Kingdom 101 Pt.1: The Priority of God” Sunday, May 29, 2022   Big Idea: This week, we emphasized that the Kingdom is God’s priority. In fact, Jesus came preaching, not just the gospel but The Gospel of the Kingdom in particular. He preached “repent (the greek word metanoeo, meaning change your mind/change your thinking) for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand”. However, in the west, we have reduced His message to “repent” and obsessing over our sinfulness. Instead, we who have repented should now set our sights on advancing in the things of the Kingdom, because it is now at hand; within reach. So, we should receive forgiveness, set our minds on the spirit, renew our minds to Kingdom reality & stand fast in our liberty, because God has so much more for us. God is with us and for us. The Kingdom is at hand. Receive and act on what He reveals to you. Challenge: Determine within yourself to cease any over occupation with sin and set your heart towards seeking/desiring the Kingdom. Pray that God