Knox Bronson ~ Riding The Wild Bubble

Diana Vreeland, Editor-In-Chief, Vogue Magazine, Creator Of The Sixties



Courtesy of PODIUM Artificial Intelligence: --------- EPISODE TITLE SUGGESTIONS --------- - From Tech Troubles to Fashion Fables: A Journey of Self-Reliance and Creativity - From Tech Support to Fashion Icons: A Tale of Discovery - Becoming Self-Reliant in a Tech-Heavy World and Learning from Fashion Legends - Discovering Creativity Through Tech Problems and Fashion Stories - From Tech Glitches to Vogue Stitches: A Story of Self-Reliance - Journey through Tech Support to the Runway: Lessons in Self-Reliance - Tech Woes, Woodworking, and Wardrobe Wonders: A Podcast of Unlikely Pairings --------- EPISODE SUMMARY --------- Remember that time when your kid called you for the umpteenth time to fix a tech issue? I had a similar experience with my son, who used to call me incessantly for tech support. It's a funny story, but it also got me thinking about the value of self-reliance. Alongside this amusement, I found a metaphorical meaning in my woodworking experiences. It's like that old Zen saying - b