Real Talk With Rachael Podcast

Talk Therapy: First Fruits - Health & Wellness



God put it on my heart to dedicate the first month of this new year by hosting a “First Fruits” podcast series. In this series, we are coming together every Monday morning and giving the first of a different area of our lives to the Lord. So far, we have discussed plans, time, and rest. This week, we are giving the Lord the first of our health and wellness. Since we are four weeks into the new year, chances are many of you listening have already started some form of New Year's resolution to eat differently or move more. Chances are also high that those resolutions have already been broken. If that’s you, there is no shame here. Just a chance to give this area to the Lord once and for all, in a way that is honoring to the Lord. The world offers us quick fixes and promises about our bodies but the Lord shows us how to steward our bodies in a way that feels life-giving and full of joy and peace. Key verses:  1 Corinthians 3:16-22, "Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spi