Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach

The Writing Life Podcast: How Writers Increase Grit



The last time we were together we talked about one thing writers need to succeed, and if you listened, you know that thing is grit. In this episode I'm posing several ways writers can increase grit, so if you feel like a low-grit writer, listen and try some of the ideas. I believe you can grow in grit to become a more productive and successful writer. In the words of Louis Zamperini: Be hardy! Key ideas from this episode: Grow in grit by looking for other areas where you exhibit grit and funnel it into your writing Grow in grit by creating small wins Grow in grit by developing stamina through training for a race that relies on incremental progress Grow in grit by minimizing distractions to increase focus Grow in grit by arranging schedule and space to reflect prioritization of writing Grow in grit through courage, taking risks despite fear of failure or rejection Be hardy! Resources mentioned in this episode: Louis Zamperini's USC interview * * * Listen for the full six-minute podcast. You ca