Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach

#25: Stuck in the Middle



Show Notes Summary: Hundreds of thousands of writers are in the middle of National Novel Writing Month, or what is affectionately known as NaNoWriMo—where writers have signed up with the goal of completing a novel draft of 50,000 words. If you are among the participants—or if you decided to tackle a nonfiction project during the same month, tapping into the resources and momentum of NaNoWriMo—you’re heading toward the middle of the month and, presumably, the middle of your project’s draft. The middle is hard. A lot of people stop in the middle of things. How were you doing on your New Year’s Resolutions back in July? How about some hobby or craft you started but stopped about halfway through, that’s boxed up in the garage or basement? The halfway point is critical, because you know what it took to get to that point, so you know you need at least that much effort to finish. It can feel overwhelming. It’s easier to just stop and shelve the project. Click save. Say you’ll come back to