Meta Treks: A Star Trek Philosophy Podcast

1: Where No Philosophers Have Gone Before



Free Will vs. Determinism. Welcome to the premier episode of's new show about Star Trek and philosophy, Meta Treks: A Star Trek Philosophy Podcast. In this episode, part one of a two-part discussion, hosts Zachary Fruhling and Mike Morrison tackle the free will vs. determinism debate by examining different types of determinism within the Star Trek universe: biological determinism, physical determinism, social or cultural determinism, evolutionary determinism, historical determinism, psychological determinism, and theological determinism. After considering these different types of determinism and causal factors, what room is left for free will or personal agency in the Star Trek universe? Chapters Introducing the Show (00:00:00) Definitions and Distinctions (00:09:43) Why Care About Free Will? (00:10:31) Hard Determinism (00:11:55) Biological Determinism (00:17:05) Physical Determinism (00:25:36) Cultural Determinism (00:39:37) Evolutionary Determinism (00:48:59) Historical Determinism (00:52:12) Psych