An Interview With Melissa Llarena

213: 5 Unexpected Secrets to Build Business Momentum in 2024



Welcome to Episode 213. Are you a mom entrepreneur who struggles with impostor syndrome,  wants to nip overwhelm in the bud, wishes to realize the power of networking and/or wants to turn her business and mom life AROUND in 2024? If yes then hit PLAY. Say hi to me on Instagram: This is a recording from my free webinar that I conducted on January 9th, entitled Mom Mogul Makeover. You’ll hear how you can put the insights enclosed in my bestselling book Fertile Imagination into action as a mom with a business. This conversation goes beyond any expected insights on productivity, goal-setting, and motherhood. It’s for moms who seek a fresh perspective that's plugged into reality. It’s also perfect for you if you know entrepreneurship is the journey you wish to pursue wholeheartedly for more than three years. Oh, also listen to the end, there is a free opportunity for those listening until the end exclusively for moms with their own businesses.  To take advantage of that op