Dr. Judy Wtf

Parental Narcissistic Abuse: How It Impacts Children's Emotional Well-being



Narcissistic parents have a profound effect on their children. The most injurious injury of all is to lack empathy and disconnect and not feel for your own child. When this happens, you leave them with a horrible core belief of not being worthy or even not being worthy of love, and perhaps even giving them the message that they shouldn't have even been born Or if they are here, they are only here in service of the parent. Children of narcissistic parents often times experience a wide range of somatic effects, anywhere from autoimmune disease, headaches, stomachaches, backaches and even cancer. The disease is of a person then will turn into a dis. A disease of the person will turn into a disease of narcissistic children to go in one of two directions. Either they become narcissistic themselves and learn to use people as objects, or they will try to people please others to gain love and end up with a narcissist. Just who will do the what the Freud and repeat the taking pattern upon them in order to prevent your