Madison Church

The Transformative Power of Dwelling in the Spirit



Have you ever caught a whiff of a familiar scent, and it instantly transported you back in time? This week at Madison Church, we're joined by a special guest, Rev. Abbie Sawczak, and together we venture into the heart of spiritual growth. We'll reflect on the beauty of abiding in Christ, as she recounts the journey from her transformative campus ministry years in Madison to the present day, diving into how personal stories and biblical narratives intertwine to reveal the fragrant trail we can leave by walking in faith.Navigating the spiritual realm can be akin to traversing a winding road, but through our discussion, we'll explore how practices like 'dwelling' and 'submitting' provide the seatbelts we need for the ride. Our conversation takes a turn into the garden of our hearts, where we grasp the importance of being pruned by the Gardener's hand, a necessary pain for the blossoming of our souls. Join us as we stitch together the wisdom from the Bible and the lived exp