Open Chest Anime Podcast

OCA Podcast - 44: Alcoholic Sugar Rush



Tonight on OCA Podcast 44: How Gen Fukunaga brought anime to the US, Justin Sevakis gets wrongfully Me Too'd, Monica Rial "saves" Dragon Ball, Naomi Osaka whitewashed in ad campaign, and all things related to collecting anime. Thanks for watching! Next Podcast watch club (may contain affiliate links): Amazon US: Amazon Canada: Right Stuf: Link Dump: Schedule: 0:00:00 - Podcast starts 0:02:09 - Media Do buys MAL 0:06:58 - History of Gen Fukunaga and Funimation 0:17:53 - Monica Rial defends Dragon Ball from very real feminist 0:22:46 - Award shows are a scam 0:26:18 - Pickups 0:53:48 - Stealth Weeb 0:57:57 - Blader Kickstarter 0:58:16 - Bless the Demon Puppets Kickstarter 0:58:41 - Implosion: Zero Day Kickstarter update 1:01:11 - Anime LA arson 1:04:25 - Junji Ito coming to Crunchyroll Expo 1:04:37 - Comiket doesn’t believe in freedom of association 1:06:31 - Justin Sevakis wrongfully Me Too’d 1:21:25 - 2 a