Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss And Performance

The Single, Most Comprehensive Stem Cell Procedure Known To Humankind: How A "Full Body Stem Cell & Exosome Makeover" Works.



What you are about to discover in this podcast is one of the most advanced, fringe, cutting-edge biohacks and forays into self-experimentation I've ever done... ...a full body stem-cell makeover at the Docere Clinic in Salt Lake City, Utah...including a little-known type of compound called an "exosome". Dr. Harry Adelson, my first guest on today's podcast, began his training in regenerative injection therapy (prolotherapy) in 1998 while in his final year at The National College of Naturopathic Medicine, in Portland, Oregon after having been cured of a rock-climbing injury with prolotherapy. During his residency program in Integrative Medicine at the Yale/Griffin Hospital in Derby, Connecticut, he volunteered after hours in a large homeless shelter in Bridgeport, Connecticut, providing regenerative injection therapies to the medically underserved while gaining valuable experience. He opened Docere Clinics in Salt Lake City in 2002 and from day one, his practice has been 100% regenerative injection therapies fo