Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss And Performance

Magnesium Supplementation: Everything You Need To Know About Dosing Magnesium, Timing Magnesium, Forms Of Magnesium & More!



Magnesium deficiency is running rampant. Many experts estimate that 80% of Americans are magnesium deficient. And, a major contributing factor is the presence of excess calcium in the body mainly coming from the extreme ratio difference in common foods such as: fortified orange juice (27:1), cheese (26:1), yogurt (11:1), dairy (7:1) and the very commonly used antacids (300:1). Other common contributing factors include: -Fluoride -Processed foods -Alcohol -Coffee -Sugar -Stress -Medications When should you take magnesium? How do you test your magnesium levels or know if you have a deficiency? It’s critical to get high enough doses of magnesium to compensate for the fact that our typical diet runs low on this vital mineral. But fact is, although magnesium is an incredibly important mineral, there are many unanswered questions and confusion around magnesium, so I though it was high time to have my friend and nutrition researcher Thomas DeLauer back on the show. I first interviewed Thomas DeLauer in the episode T