Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss And Performance

What Should I Eat? The Ultimate Podcast Guide To Choosing The Perfect Diet For You: Part 2



F Diets (Part dos) If you read last week's article "What Is The Perfect Human Diet? Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced Meal Plans From Ben Greenfield That Tell You Exactly How To Eat For Your Unique Body.", then you are no doubt are already aware that I'm not a big fan of a myopic "one-size-fits-all" approach to diets. And yet, despite the enormous amount of biochemical individuality that exists from person to person, there is still a plethora of diet books published each year (particularly close to swimsuit season or the New Year) that promise to be the de facto final solution for everything from fat loss to banishing acne to beating cravings and building muscle when, in fact, the same ketogenic diet that helped your neighbor shed twenty pounds can result in rampant inflammation, brain fog and oxidized cholesterol for you. The same could be said for a vegan diet, a carnivore diet or many of the other currently popular eating approaches. In last week's podcast, Part 1 of a 2 part series on customizing your