Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss And Performance

The Ultimate Coffee Podcast: Everything You Need To Know About Coffee Health, Including The Latest Lab Results On Which Coffee Is The Healthiest.



The results are officially in. Using 3 independent labs from around the globe, we have analyzed over 100 different coffees representing 46 different brands... ...and I'm revealing the official results here and delving into the nitty-gritty details on this podcast. In this "solosode" podcast, you'll also discover: -The top recently researched benefits of coffee...5:45 NYT reports that coffee drinkers may live longer JAMA article: Association of Coffee Drinking With Mortality by Genetic Variation in Caffeine Metabolism Drinking coffee may contribute to a longer life span. 2017 study on the connection between coffee and a longer life span -Reasons coffee may contribute to a longer life span...9:25 Strong correlation between increased coffee consumption and reduced risk of cardio vascular disease. Regular coffee drinkers have 20% decreased risk of stroke. Coffee has polyphenols Over 1000 studies have linked coffee to cancer prevention Caffeinated coffee profound decrease in risk of breast, prostate and liv